after the conception in 2005 the long-awaited changes arrive
In a world that runs and changes incessantly, it is necessary to adapt, so even the Nautical Code, as conceived back in 2005, now appears as a faded memory. To date, the text which at the time gave our subject the desired autonomy from the "classic" navigation law and which was considered innovative if not daring - and as such opposed by a large part of the doctrine - has already largely changed and outdated . In three decades there have been several changes of various levels and importance. Some have been linked to the dutiful transposition of European directives (see Legislative Decree 5/2016) of an eminent technical nature which have affected aspects related to the construction system connected with the "CE MARK" and others have a decidedly Italian imprint and move within the context of the usual systematic/commercial adjustments associated with our local boating. The reformist movement on the aspects of the code that most closely affect users and operators in the sector - and consequently the economic development of shipping - moves from the need to adapt the offer to the new instances of trade relating to units, training and the development of commercial pleasure craft which could prove to be an economic driving force for many of our seaside resorts.
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